Scifi and Anime Fan Review by Esther

Hi! I am Esther a scifi and anime fan. In this website I will state what I know and think of different scifi and anime that I have come across. If you don't find it here, that is because I haven't had the time to reveiw it or I just plain have not posted it yet. Have patience, this is tedious work! ^_^ ;

Rating will be determined on a scale from 1-10. Additional notes on the show may or may not be detailed. Also, I reserve the right to be as enthusiastic or disinterested as I please - in spite of the content - after all sometimes it is a matter of taste and how good the story is as well as content. Further more, I am not an official critic so take it easy and know that my opinion shouldn't damper yours or dictate your choices - only you can make your own choices. ^_^

Site promise:

  1. I will post information on science fiction and anime with the best accuracy as possible - so no flames because your favorite show didn't get a glam review
  2. I will keep this clean and make attempts to post the correct ratings on the shows - either as I see them or because I happened to see the TV/Movie/ESRB ratings
  3. I will update when I can, but only then - after all, I could goof up big time! ^_^
  4. I will make attempts to link back to borrowed pictures ... broken links will be treated as though I found the picture around my house, save for I will not credit myself with having made it



Sorry about the long time between updates and new stuff, but life is a busy thing and more pressing matters have had me. There were, I am pretty sure, other things that I have updated, but I am not sure what they are. Uh ... enjoy!

Oh, yeah ... I have a special section added for Star Trek and Stargate - my fav shows and movies. I also love Star Wars (except Clone Wars).

November 21, 2004. I have added my reveiw for Sailor Victory - located on the bottom of the Movie page. Ummmmmm ... you might want to read it, BEFORE you buy it (even though it was at Game Stop).

The other review added to the top of the Movie page is Stargate. ^_^ I am not sure how much it goes for now a days.

Also added was this section, sorry for not doing this sooner. : )

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(c) Esther Barnett 2004, unless otherwise noted.